Tuesday 11 November 2014

Welcome swallows coming & goings.

As noted in a previous post, "our" Welcome swallows returned after an absence of a few days on the Friday 7th November.  They spent the night roosting alongside their nest in the carport at Casa da Ayre, and were gone in the morning.

They have been coming & going during the day, zooming around the back yard and through the car port at irregular intervals over the weekend.  But they roosted elsewhere during the evening.  Good news - they roosted in our carport again last night (Monday 10th November).

It's quite fascinating to watch this pair of Welcome swallows and their brood.  I always assumed they would fledge and we'd never see them again.  If we were super-fortunate, they might come back to breed again in the future.  But to our utter delight, "our" swallows have been returning frequently since they have fledged.  Who would have thought that an old nest might be important to them?    

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