Monday 15 December 2014

Welcome swallows might have moved on . . .

I have been watching our family of Welcome swallows since the adults began hanging around at the end of September and built their nest in October this year.  They built their nest in our carport and when the five young fledged on 26th October, we thought they'd be gone forever.  To our absolute delight, they have been returning to our carport and roosting either in or next to the nest almost every evening since they fledged.

Over the last week, we only had one swallow roosting in the carport.  I can't say for sure if it is an adult or one of the fledglings, but I suspect it is a fledgling.  For the last three nights, the carport has housed only a car.  I can't help but wonder if our Welcome swallows will be back.  Let's hope.          

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