Saturday 17 January 2015

It's pink-and-grey - Galah day !

Pink-and-Grey - Galah Day !

When I was a kid, one day per year at school we had a "Pink-and-Grey" Gala day, where there were fetes and fund raising drives.  These days were affectionately known as "Galah-Day" by the teachers.  We all used to be expected to dress in a colour scheme of pink and grey.  There was absolutely no way known that any self-respecting school boy would wear pink to school - except for that most protected of species - the sons of a couple of the teachers who went to the same school where their parent worked.

It's funny how a simple thing can dredge up memories from decades ago.  In this case, the adab (with apologies to Frank Herbert) was stimulated by a visit from a Galah to one of our bird feeders.    

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