Wednesday 28 March 2018

Lace monitor DOR

Lace monitor dead-on-road 16th March 2018 
I encountered the pathetic sight of one of the largest Lace monitors I have ever seen, dead-on-the-road on the way home from work last week.  This thing was huge, a solid 5 feet long, and thick.  It would have weighed around 10 kilos of pure, savage muscle.  I know because I dragged it's body off the road, so scavengers wouldn't be killed by traffic.  The surrounding environment was mature Eucalypt woodland, and there were raptors and Australian ravens in the area.  I believe there would probably be quolls in the area from past experience in nearby forests.

I wonder if this animal was following the scent trail of a nearby female, as on Monday I saw a much smaller Lace monitor dead in almost the same spot.

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