Sunday 17 May 2015

Yet another Welcome swallow update

It is no secret that Signora Ayre Jr and I have a passion for our lovely Welcome swallows.

We have been delighted to see that a pair of them have been roosting, snuggled up together in the frames of our carport roof, within a metre of the nest.  Because we do not want to disturb them, we tend to look for them after 9 pm when it is well and truly dark, and they are settled in for the night. They are gone every morning when I head off to work.   

We are unsure if it is the adults that bred here earlier this year or a pair of fledglings that have returned, but for the past six weeks or so they have been roosting here every night,  within 50 cm of the empty nest.  We had a particularly mild evening on Friday night, and I was thrilled to see that both of the swallows were actually roosting together inside the nest.  

If I observe this again, I will try to take a photo to post on the blog.  They are just sooooooo sweet.          

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