Wednesday 7 December 2016

Even the Noisy miners remain . . .

A Noisy miner giving me the evil eye, Basden Theatre,
The Uni of Newcastle, 7th December 2016. 

I attended the annual Geological Survey of NSW "Tech-Talks" presentation at the Uni of Newcastle today.  While wandering the campus that I once knew so well, I was nearly overwhelmed by so many memories of good times and friends.

While the mosquito plagues were absent, most of my old lecturers were still there, just a heck of a lot greyer than I remembered.  The gardens are all mature now and there were Kookaburras and Channel-billed cuckoos in the canopy of the mature Eucalyptus spp.  It was great to see that the kamikaze Noisy miners were still, giving everyone grief.         

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