Wednesday 4 January 2017

Late afternoon visitor

Late afternoon visitor to the bird feeder, 3rd January 2017.  
We've just returned from Christmas holidays to find our dim-witted Spotted turtle-doves are back, dropping nesting material all over the carport.

On a happier note, the sunflowers in the back garden are now at full height, and many have bloomed.  Quite a few of the most mature have had their seed heads chewed off, and we were intrigued to see who the culprits were.  In recent years we've had adult King parrots drop by to sample our sunflowers - they will not visit the feeder for some reason but will munch the seed heads on the growing sunflowers with alacrity.

Sulphur crested cockatoo caught in the act, munching sunflower seed heads.
iPhone photo courtesy Amanda Ayre, January 2017. 
We were happy to find our Sulphur crested cockatoo is back, and he promptly chewed off another seed head before hopping onto the bird feeder for a quick portrait.  It's strange how our dogs completely ignore such a large bird.

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