Wednesday 4 January 2017

And they're b-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ck . . . Dumb and Dumberer

Dumb and Dumberer - Caught in the act !  
I have mentioned we've been having issues with a pair of Spotted turtle-doves attempting to nest on a light in our carport back on 15th November 2016.  It had been going on for several weeks at the time of writing, and had been so annoying that we resorted to blocking the space to physically prevent the birds gaining access.  This worked, and the doves appeared to have focused their efforts elsewhere within a few days.   

My wife & I have been away for our Christmas holidays, and have just returned home.  We'd removed the material from the top of the light before we left, as it looked pretty ugly, and the Spotted turtle-doves had well-and-truly lost interest within a couple of days of blocking the space above the light.  Or so it seemed.  

It's been approximately seven weeks and they are back, trying to build a nest in the same place on top of the fluorescent light.  For the same result - nesting material falls off almost as quickly as they place it.   Le sigh . . .   

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