Thursday 8 February 2024

New species for Casa da Ayre - Crimson rosellas

Records of Crimson rosella observations, Eastern Lake Macquarie NSW. 

Crimson rosellas are a widespread, common species.  However, as you can see in the map above, they are just not as commonly seen in eastern Lake Macquarie as Eastern rosellas or Rainbow lorikeets.  In fact, the closest I have personally seen them is Blackbutt Reserve near New Lambton NSW. 

I have regularly observed them in cooler, tall-timbered areas.  In fact the Watagan mountains (about an hours drive due west) is the closest place I know where I could guarantee to see one.  They are the dominant rosella species in the Blue mountains and Barrington tops.  

I was shocked to find three perched on the powerline in my front yard this afternoon.  We are growing sunflowers in the front garden this year, and have a score of mature seed heads that must have caught their attention.  In years past, King parrots, Rainbow lorikeets, Sulphur-crested cockatoos, Galahs and Little corellas have dropped by to sample our sunflowers.  We even get frequent visits from Yellow-tailed black cockatoos when our macadamia nut trees have mature fruit.

Now we get to add Crimson rosellas to our species list !  How wonderful.                

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