Saturday 16 March 2024

Rough-scaled snake flavoured road-pizza


Here's a Rough-scaled snake, with a crushing headache, just north of the Mungo Brush camping area. Its probably been dead on the road for at least a week, but even in death, its keeled scales show it is unmistakeably a Rough-scaled snake (Tropidechis carinatus).  I know it's a gory photo, but it is important as a voucher specimen. 

The map above is from the Atlas of Living Australia, and the record in the water is actually one I submitted THIRTY YEARS AGO this month. I found it freshly dead on the road, and lodged the carefully preserved specimen with the Australian Museum.  I must have entered the location easting with a typo, as it was actually on the road immediately to the east (where the other record is).  This was the southern-most record of the species for decades.  The next most southerly record was Gloucester Tops, well to the North-west.  The Newcastle herpetological community knew about the Rough-scaled snakes at Mungo for many years before I lodged my specimen, but it was an extremely tightly kept secret. I copped a lot of flack from my mates at the time for "blowing the whistle" on them.       

Looking at it these days, it seems no-one keeps anything secret. There has been a spate of new records for the species, and the southern-most record is now Patonga !  

For the non-herpetologist, the Rough-scaled snake is a fascinating little beastie.  In NSW, they tend not to get as large as other elapids.  Around 1.2 m or so seems to pull most of them up.  They are extremely alert, quite fast, and usually very lively to handle.  They have large fangs and if you are unlucky enough to get bitten, they have a unique venom.  It's venom is related to tiger snakes, and will be neutralised by tiger snake antivenom.  It has a unique property - most people bitten will pass out briefly within minutes of being bitten.  Once the person regains consciousness shortly afterwards, envenomation proceeds much like a tiger snake bite.  Definitely one you do not want to get bitten by !               

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