Saturday 28 March 2015

Grey Goshawk

What a superb bird of prey, a Grey goshawk (Accipiter novaehollandiae)
I was travelling home from work a few weeks ago, when I noticed a Grey goshawk perched on powerlines at the Five-Islands Wetlands, Racecourse Road Teralba, NSW.  Of course, I didn't have my camera with me at the time.  Yesterday the Grey goshawk was back, and this time I did have my camera with me.  Unfortunately, the goshawk was quite shy, and I was not able to get very close to her.  It's a pretty dodgy photo, but there is no doubt of my identification.    

As you can see, this Grey goshawk's territory is a little pocket of swamp amidst a heavily disturbed environment.  
Image from Google Earth.
The Five-islands Wetlands is on the banks of Cockle Creek at the northern end of Lake Macquarie.  This is a very heavily polluted area due to the past operations of the Pasminco lead smelter. Despite the horrendous pollution and disturbance to the environment, there is a surprising amount of birdlife around the area.
The environment on the western side of the road is open swampy-woodland, dominated by adult Melaleuca spp, Casuarina spp, Pittosporum undulatum and many weeds.  The eastern side of the road is a mangrove community on the edge of Cockle Creek.  On the eastern bank of cockle creek is an industrial area and the densely-packed suburbs of Boolaroo and Argenton.        

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