Saturday 7 November 2015

Ever wonder how Spur-winged plovers got their name?

Spur-winged plover showing how they got their name
When Amanda & I visited Trial Bay Gaol in South West Rocks we were mobbed by a pair of Masked lapwings that were nesting within the grounds of the historic gaol.

When I was growing up they were always known as "Spur-winged plovers" which I think is a FAR more appropriate name.  It's like the way Superb blue wrens have had their "accepted common name" changed.  These days they are known as Superb blue fairy-wrens, which I think is ridiculous.

Normally, you can't see the spurs, but when you accidentally intrude on their breeding territory, they will quickly let you know, and the spurs come out.  There was a nest with four lovely speckled-brown eggs a few metres from where I took these quick snaps.  We very quickly left the vicinity ! 

Masked lapwing, Trial Bay Gaol, South West Rocks, NSW.  

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