Wednesday 1 October 2014

Species list - Casa da Ayre - October 2014

27 Species recorded at Casa da Ayre 26th June 2013 to 1st October 2014 

We moved into our new home, Casa da Ayre in Belmont North on Wednesday 26th June 2013.  This is simply a list of species we have observed in our yard since that day.  


Rainbow lorikeets 
Eastern rosellas
Scaley-breasted lorikeets 
King parrots
Crested pigeons (Nesting)
Noisy miners
Welcome swallows (Nesting) 
Spotted turtle doves (Nesting, introduced)
Masked lapwings
Black-backed magpies
Laughing kookaburras
Pied currawongs
Grey butcherbirds
Pied butcherbirds
Little corellas
Silver gulls
Blue-faced honey eaters
Australasian Figbird
Eastern koel
Channel-billed cuckoo (seen flying overhead summer/autumn 2013/14, heard Spring 2014)


Striped marsh frogs


Grass skink (Lampropholis delicata)


Rattus rattus  (aka Yuckus yuckus!)
Neighbourhood cat (aka feral cat) 

So there you are - that's our list to date; 27 species.  It's sure to grow as time and seasons pass.  

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