Sunday 14 October 2012

Day 3 - Sunday 14th October 2012 


The day started grey and overcast.  It was wet and the grain in the bird feeder was sodden.  It was very quiet with virtually no bird activity until ~10:00am.  We headed to the farmers market and the weather was clearing as we left.  We returned to find cloudless blue skies, gentle breezes and a blazing sun.  It was a toasty warm afternoon.   

Wildlife observed in my backyard in Charlestown today;


Rainbow lorrikeets x 10+
Eastern rosellas x 10+
Pied currawongs x 2
Grey butcherbird x 2
Eastern koel x 1
Pee wee x 1
Spotted turtle dove x 2
Noisy miners x 10+
Welcome swallows x 10+ (foraging over the property - not landing)
Australian raven x 1
Kookaburra x 1
Crested pigeon x 1


Eulamprus quoyii, Eastern water skink (gravid) x 1


Crinia signifera - Common eastern froglets x 5+ (calling in the creek next door)

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