Saturday 13 October 2012

Day 2 - Saturday 13th October 2012 

I woke this morning to the raucous shrieks of three Yellow tailed black cockatoos - they were in our back yard in Charlestown, NSW feeding on parrot mix at bird feeder !  Wow ! ! !  What a brilliant way to start the day.

Other observations
Eastern koel x 2

Australian ravens x 2
Noisy miners x 10+
Pied currawongs x 2
Kookaburra x 1
Eastern rosellas x 6+ (probably ~10 to 15 individuals visit the feeder during the day)
Rainbow lorrikeets x 8
Welcome swallows x 20+ foraging and riding high in the sky overhead
Spotted turtle dove* x 1 (introduced)
Crested pigeon x 1  

Weather was just beautiful today; nearly perfect spring day with hardly a cloud in the sky and 10 - 12kt winds around midday, gentling late in the afternoon.  

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