Wednesday 17 October 2012

Day 6 - Wednesday 17th October 2012 

The morning was sheer pandemonium   There was another riot of rainbow lorrikeets at the feeders and hardly anything else had a look-in.  Perfect blue skies, no wind, golden sun and twenty two degrees C.  Waking up next to the love of my life.  Ahhh, does life get better than this ? 

Observations - CHARLESTOWN 
Rainbow lorrikeets x 30+ (probably over 50 individuals but very hard to be accurate)
Eastern rosellas x 5
Kookaburra x 1
Noisy miners x 4
Black backed magpie x 1 
Pied currawong x 1
Australasian Figbird x 1, heard calling (not seen).  
Eastern Koel (heard calling at 8:40 pm - not seen) 
Australian raven 

Observations - WARATAH
Indian mynas x 11 - Introduced 
Spotted turtle-dove x 15 - Introduced
Starlings x 11 - Introduced 
No natives at all seen or heard in Waratah or on the commute to or from work !

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