Wednesday 24 October 2012

Day 12 - Tuesday 23rd October 2012

It was a beautiful day that dawned today.  Blue skies, still air and wonderful company.  Because of the superb weather I decided to ride my mountain bike to work (in Waratah) today, so I made far more observations than usual.   

Observations - back yard in Charlestown 
Rainbow lorrikeets x 50+
Eastern rosellas x 8
Noisy miners x 4
Pied currawongs x 2
Black backed magpie x 1
Yellow tailed black cockatoos x 3 in the morning & a second visit probably from the same family of 3 in the late afternoon.  

Observations - between Charlestown to Waratah
Spotted turtle dove x 14
Indian myna x 6
Sulphur crested cockatoos x 12
Black faced cuckoo shrikes x 4
Rainbow lorrikeets x 20+
Pee wee (Magpie Lark) x 4
European starlings x 3
Noisy miners x 10+
New Species - Pheasant coucal x 1 heard calling in a watercourse in Kotara.

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