Friday 26 October 2012

Day 15 - Friday 26th October 2012 

It was a grey and overcast day this morning, and the birds seemed to sleep in too.  We had the usual stately parade of Eastern rosellas followed by the rowdy Rainbow lorrikeets.  Steadily a range of birds visited the garden.  I rode my bike to work again today and consequently observed a lot more birds than I normally would.  Pleasingly, I am observing a lot more native birds during the rides compared to my usual drive.  This is simply because I traverse a lot of bushland between Charlestown and New Lambton.  The introduced species definitely take over from the International Sports Stadium onwards.

Observations - back yard in Charlestown 

Eastern rosellas x 8
Rainbow lorrikeets x 50+ (probably reaching 80 - 100 birds now)
Pied currawong x 1 
Noisy miners x lots (heard calls only this morning, none seen)

Observations - mountain bike ride to Waratah 
Crested pigeons x 15+
Spotted turtle doves x 20+
Noisy miners x 20+
Black backed magpies x 3
New Species alert - Noisy friar bird x 1
Sulphur crested cockatoo x 20+ (feeding in several flocks on various sporting fields)
Galahs x 10+
Black faced cuckoo shrike x 1
Grey butcherbird x 1
Indian myna x 1 (heard not seen) 
Eastern koel (heard calling - not seen)

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