Thursday 18 October 2012

Day 7 - Thursday 18th October 2012

This morning dawned slowly and quietly.  Instead of the usual bright light filling our bedroom with a golden glow, morning decidedly crept into the room.  It was quiet and very grey outside at 6:30 AM; almost drizzling.  The feed table was damp, and there were only 5 Eastern rosellas eating quietly in the entire yard.  It seemed strange that the yard wasn't filled with the noise of rioting rainbow lorrikeets.  Careful what you wish for, because we had about fifty in the back yard by 7:00 AM; the silence was truly shattered. . . 

Observations - My backyard in Charlestown 
Eastern rosellas x 5
Australian raven x 1
Channel-billed cuckoo x 2 calling (heard not seen)
Rainbow lorrikeets x 30+ (Probably ~50+ but too hard to count accurately)
Noisy miners x 2
Pied currawongs x 2
Black backed magpies x 2

Observations - Waratah area 
European starlings x 3
Indian mynas x 2
Noisy miner x 1
Sulphur crested cockatoos x 20+ (seen feeding on sports fields in two large flocks, one flock near St Pius high school and the other flock near Kotara railway station.)  

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