Monday 15 October 2012

Day 4 - Monday 15th October 2012 

The new day started for me with the sounds of Rainbow lorrikeets going berserk.  Rainbow lorries and Eastern rosellas were at the feeders and clearly having a ball with the bounty of wild bird seed.  It was a beautiful morning; warm, still and calm.  There was not a single cloud to be seen.


My Backyard in Charlestown

Rainbow lorrikeets x 10+ (probably well over 30 individuals but I haven't tried to count accurately).
Eastern rosellas x 10+ (as per Rainbow lorries).

Noisy miners x 6.

Australian raven x 1
Crested pigeons x 3 

On the way to work 
Sulphur crested cockatoos x 2 (Same place as Day 1 - Turton Rd & Russell Rd, New Lambton, 8:45am)   

At work - Waratah
Black backed magpie x 3 (2 x adults & 1 x advanced, fledged juvenile begging for food)
Pee wee x 1
European starling (introduced species) x 2 - harrassing a lone magpie that was sitting on a TV aerial - this behaviour suggests the starlings are breeding nearby.
Fan-tailed pigeons x 8 - "fancy" variety of the introduced pigeon.  
Indian mynas x 7     

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