Monday 29 October 2012

Day 17 - Sunday 28th October 2012

Sunday, ahhhh Sunday.  Slow start to the day, but up and away mid-morning (such luxury) and into the day-to-day chores; mowing lawns etc, etc, etc.

Observations in my backyard in Charlestown 
Eastern rosellas x 8
Rainbow lorrikeets x 50+
Australian ravens x 2
Pied currawongs x 4
Pee wees x 2
Noisy friarbird x 1
Figbird x 1 (calling not seen) 
Grey butcherbird x 1 
Noisy miners x 8
Yellow tailed black cockatoos x 4
Crested pigeons x 6
Spotted turtle doves x 4

I moved a couple of potplants while mowing and disturbed the following skinks underneath them; 
Saiphos equalis - three toed skink x 1
Lampropholis delicata - Penny lizard/grass skink x 1

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