Friday 19 October 2012

Day 8 - Friday 19th October 2012 

Another slow starting day - grey & overcast, not raining but feels like it could . . . The rainbow lorrikeets didn't arrive until 7am this morning - I guess their partying is taking it's toll and they need their beauty sleep!  The Eastern rosellas are being completely dominated by the Rainbow lorrikeets.  The Eastern rosellas seem to cope by arriving before the Rainbows and after the Rainbows have left.    

Observations - My backyard in Charlestown  

Rainbow lorrikeets x 20+ (not many this morning) 
Eastern rosella x 1
1 x Crinia signifera calling in the creek next door tonight
1 x grey-headed flying fox foraging in the mango tree tonight.  

Observations - Commute to Waratah 
Its interesting to note that the natives are dominating in Waratah this morning.  Good to see.

Spotted turtle doves x 3
Black faced cuckoo-shrike 
Crested pigeon x 1 
Noisy miners x 2
Grey butcherbird x 1 
Sulphur crested cockatoo x 1 
Indian mynas x 2

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